
about myself

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Starye Dorogi, Minsk Region, Belarus
Hello dear visitors! I'm a teacher of English in Gymnasia №1 in town Starye Dorogi. I'm also a facilitator of the iEARN project "Money Matters". I hope my blog will be a useful resource where you'll find a lot of different lexical and grammar exercices, presentations, lesson plans and workshops. If you have any questions, please, contact me by e-mail

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6th form

Английский язык / Англійская мова : учебное посо
бие для 6-го кл. учреждений общ. сред. образования с белорус. и рус. яз. обучения (повыш. уровень) : с электронным приложением. В 2 ч. /Н. В. Демченко [и др.]. – Минск : Вышэйшая школа, 2018.
Unit 1 World of hobbies
Lessons 1-12
Vocabulary (Quizlet)

Unit 2 Bells and breaks
Lesson 1  Welcome to the Royal Alexandra and Albert School!
Vocabulary game (Wordwall)
Lesson 2 The shape of the day
Vocabulary L1-2 (Wordwall)
Lesson 7 A school story
Lessons 1-12
Vocabulary (Quizlet)
Kahoot test

Unit 3 Helping about the house
Lessons 1-12
Vocabulary (Quizlet)

Unit 5 In the heart of Europe
Lesson 1 A land of lakes
Geographical position of Belarus fill in the words (Learningapps)
Lesson 2 On the globe
Geographical position of Belarus make up sentenses (Wordwall)
Lesson 3 Every country has its symbols
Countries and flags match (Learningapps) 
Lesson 6 Have you ever seen a bison?
Irregular verbs (3d form) match (Learningapps)

Unit 6 Nature wonders
Lesson 1 My fair land
Vocabulary (Quizlet)
Lesson 2 The British Isles
Compare the nature of Belarus and the UK (Wordwall)
Lesson 5 Been there, done that
Present Perfect/Past Simple (signal words) classification (Learningapps)
Present Perfect/Past Simple choose (Learningapps)

Unit 7 It's in your hands!
Lesson 3 Three Rs
Ex.1a p.94

Unit 8 Reading is great!
Lesson 1 The International Children's Book Day
Types of books (Quizlet)

Unit 9 Film! Film! Film!
Lessons 1-12
Vocabulary (Quizlet)

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