
about myself

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Starye Dorogi, Minsk Region, Belarus
Hello dear visitors! I'm a teacher of English in Gymnasia №1 in town Starye Dorogi. I'm also a facilitator of the iEARN project "Money Matters". I hope my blog will be a useful resource where you'll find a lot of different lexical and grammar exercices, presentations, lesson plans and workshops. If you have any questions, please, contact me by e-mail

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5 мая 2011 г.

English Party

It's a team game. Participants are divided into two teams.

 Game 1 “A Telegram” 
Every team get a word from 4 letters. The task is to think a word on each letter in the word to make a logical sentence.
Model: West

Game 2 “An Artist”
You need two bags with the words ears, nose, face, lips, eyes, hair and two scarves to close eyes, two A4 papers and two markers. Every participant of the team pulls a word and draws it or them with close eyes on the piece of paper. As a result every team should draw a person.
 Game 3 “A Tail”
You need a large picture of a donkey, a scarf and a tail (make it from a rope). Every participants should try to fasten a tail to a donkey.

Game 4 “A Deaf Telephone”
Every team stands in a line and gets a very long sentence.
They should transfer it to each other.
Model: One day Little Red Riding Hood was running with a basket through the dark forest to her old Granny.

Game 5 “A Fridge”
You should prepare a picture of a fridge with a lot of products. Show the fridge to the teams during 10 seconds. They should write all the food they remembered.

Game 6 “A Ball”
The first participant takes a ball, name the word on letter B and pass it to the second participant. The second participant should name the word on the last letter of the previous word and so on.
Model: BananaAntTelephone ElephantTopicCake

Game 7 “Riddles”
1.  A dog before two dogs, a dog behind two dogs, one dog in the middle. How many dogs? (3)
2.  Steven lives with his father, his mother, his brother, a dog, two cats and two parrots. How many legs do they all have? (24)
3.  If you have it you want to share it. If you share it you do not have it. What is it? (a secret)
4.  One Sunday two weeks ago Ben said: “Yesterday we went to the cinema. Tomorrow we’ll go to the park”. On what day did they go to the park?
5.  My father has a son. He isn’t my brother. Who is he? (I myself)
6.  If a blue stone falls in the Black Sea what will happen?
(the stone will be wet)
Game 8 “Wordmaker”
Every team gets a very long word. During 1 minute they should write as many short wards as possible using only the letters of this word.
Model: interpretation (tea, pit, eat, pot, port, tin …)