
about myself

Моя фотография
Starye Dorogi, Minsk Region, Belarus
Hello dear visitors! I'm a teacher of English in Gymnasia №1 in town Starye Dorogi. I'm also a facilitator of the iEARN project "Money Matters". I hope my blog will be a useful resource where you'll find a lot of different lexical and grammar exercices, presentations, lesson plans and workshops. If you have any questions, please, contact me by e-mail

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5th form

Английский язык / Англійская мова : учебное пособие для 5-го кл. учреждений общ. сред. образования с белорус. и рус. яз. обучения (повыш. уровень) : с электронным приложением. В 2 ч. /Н. В. Демченко [и др.]. – Минск : Адукацыя i выхаванне, 2017.

Unit 1 In summer
Lesson 1 Back to school
Глагол to be в Present Simple (Educaplay)
Lesson 2 Holiday photographs
City or country?  (Kahoot)
Lesson 5 Sunmmer stories
-ed (Past Simple) (Wordwall)
Lesson 6 I know what you did last summer
Lesson 8 What happened?
Past Simple (choose) (Wordwall)

Unit 2 Be active!
Lesson 1 Favourite day
Vocabulary game (Wordwall)
Lesson 2 Likes and dislikes

Unit 4 Festivals and Celebrations
Lesson 3 Mother's Day and Father's Day
Vocabulary (Quizlet)
Lesson 4 Special days of the planet
Vocabulary (Quizlet)
Lesson 7 Quiz Time

Christmas Quiz   (boardgame Bamboozle) 

Unit 5 Be healthy
Lesson 7 At the doctor's
Vocabulary (Quizlet)
Health problems (Learningapps)

Unit 6 In the city
Lesson 1 Cities and towns 
Vocabulary (Quizlet)
Lesson 2 In my neighbourhood
Vocabulary (Wordwall)
Lesson 3 Can you tell me the way?
Vocabulary (Quizlet)
Vocabulary (Wordwall)
Dialogue (Wordwall)
Unit 9 Travelling
Lessons 1-11
Vocabulary  (Quizlet)

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