
about myself

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Starye Dorogi, Minsk Region, Belarus
Hello dear visitors! I'm a teacher of English in Gymnasia №1 in town Starye Dorogi. I'm also a facilitator of the iEARN project "Money Matters". I hope my blog will be a useful resource where you'll find a lot of different lexical and grammar exercices, presentations, lesson plans and workshops. If you have any questions, please, contact me by e-mail

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24 окт. 2014 г.

On the 24th of October in Gymnasium No.1 of Starye Dorogi an exchange fair “FREE MARKET” was organized which was timed to celebration of the International Day for the Eradication of Poverty (which is celebrated in the world on the 17th of October).
        During 3 days students and teachers were brining thing, which they don’t need any more and which they’d like to present. Instead of their things they have got a coupon, where were written the number of things they have presented. During these days students and teachers have brought about 1500 thing – books, magazines, adornments, pictures, photo frames, school things, CDs and many other things. 

In the day of fair all participants with great pleasure and enthusiasm change their coupons on the liked things. Everybody was very pleased to get the thing which he needs most of all. To the end of the fair it was clear that «FREE MARKET» will become a new tradition of our Gymnasium. All toys, which have left, were presented to primary school students.

Don’t hurry to throw away your old thing, may be somebody needs them, and next year you’ll change them at our «FREE MARKET»!

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